5 Reasons Why Mueller's Russia Investigation Is Not a Witch-Hunt

Even if Whitaker won’t say it, is anyone else getting sick of Mueller’s Russia Investigation being called a witch-hunt? Yes? Great. I have proof that will put the whole thing to rest for once and for all that it isn’t.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

  1. According to Oxford, the primary definition of witch is “a woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick.”

    That is not what we are hunting.

2. I got this from Wikipedia, but the sources seem legit:

Roughly 80% of the 50,000 persons burned at the stake in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries were women.

"Menopausal and post-menopausal women were disproportionally represented amongst the victims of the witch craze--and their over-representation is the more striking when we recall how rare women over fifty must have been in the population as a whole." Lyndal Roper Witch Craze (2004)p. 160

Read the article for more about the gender imbalance and link with gendercide.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

3. I don’t see (not my) president “stripped to [his] undergarments, bound and then tossed in to” the nearest body of water (with or without his wrists being bound to his ankles). Nor do I want to see it, especially the undergarments part; that is the stuff of nightmares.

Okay, I might be interested in the Witch Cake test, but what about the poor dog?


4. What’s that? You want to be all metaphorical about it? Fine. Trumples may be using this definition of witch-hunt, again taken from Oxford: “A campaign directed against a person or group holding views considered unorthodox or a threat to society.”

In which case, it almost works. I think a great many of us see him as a huuuuge threat to democratic society. But I still say this use of the term attempts to erase our memory of its historical meaning and the degradation and vilification of women.


5. Maybe I wouldn’t be so upset about this if it were called a “wizard-hunt.” But that would presume: 1) intelligence on the part of the person we are hunting––if we define wizard as “wise”––or that the person 2) has magical powers, which I don’t buy unless there was such a thing as a power that convinced other people to believe every word out of a liar’s mouth.


So, c’mon Mueller, when are we going to yank open the curtain?

<— Look at the color of that hair… or should I say, Technicolor?

Hopefully, like the motion picture industry, our democracy is stronger than we think, and we will come out the other side of this bigger, better, and brighter than before. Or, at the very least, learn that we had everything we wanted right there inside of us all along.

So, witch-hunt? No, don’t do the term such an injustice by comparing this situation to that. Complaining just because people don’t trust you doesn’t mean they are wrong.

And, as for “Presidential Harrassment”?

Don’t get me started. But, “urine sample”? “Warm brownies coming out of the oven”? Watch out doggies…